Sunday, August 24, 2008

Back in Action...Slideshow

Here is a quick slideshow from another wedding I shot at the Sheraton of Columbia, MD. It was another fabulous day. This time the happy couple took advantage of the beautiful weather and had their ceremony on the outdoor patio of the Sheraton that overlooks the lake.

Enjoy the Show.


Wedding Posts

So it has been almost 2 weeks since my last post. Let me tell you it hasn't been for lack of content to post about, but I've just been so busy with work and life that posting has been the last thing on my mind.

But now I'm refreshed after my break and ready to put up some rocking images. The only problem is that the ftp program my server uses will not let me log on. I put a call into my web hosting company and they are on it. So check back this week for a bunch of posts.

But in the mean time check out the post by Dave of David Toth Photography on his blog. This past weekend we worked our first wedding together and it was incredible. I'm learning so much from Dave and am really excited for the events we have coming up this fall. Dave made a quick slideshow with a few highlights from the Cheryl and Dave's Wedding Day and a few of my pics made the show. Later this weeks I'll post a few more of the images that I took.

Dave was also my wedding photographer of choice. You can see why here.

You stay classy San Diego.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Matthew and Darlena

Here are a few pics from a wedding I did back in June with Zack of David Cearfoss Photography. It was a Christmas in June themed wedding that was done very well. We met the couple at The John S. McDaniel House Bed and Breakfast as the bride was just finishing getting ready and waiting for the rest of the wedding party to arrive.

It definitely ain't easy being the bride.

The McDaniel house was fantastic. We took a few shots of the wedding party and then headed to the Easton Church for the Brethren for the ceremony.

I would normally post a few pics from the ceremony, but I would rather post these pictures from this old church/cemetery right down the road from where Matt grew up. Isn't this place incredible!!! Below you can see Zack working hard to get that killer shot.It was a great day and I wish the happy couple all the best.